Warning: The requested option "cgb_clist_per_page" does not exist! in /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/comment-guestbook/includes/config.php on line 201 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/comment-guestbook/includes/config.php:201) in /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/onecom-vcache/vcaching.php on line 595 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/comment-guestbook/includes/config.php:201) in /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/onecom-vcache/vcaching.php on line 603 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/comment-guestbook/includes/config.php:201) in /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/simplemap/classes/simplemap.php on line 722 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/comment-guestbook/includes/config.php:201) in /customers/5/f/0/jaimeykristravels.com/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/simplemap/classes/simplemap.php on line 723 var default_lat = 44.968684; var default_lng = -93.215561; var default_radius = 10; var zoom_level = '10'; var scrollwheel = '1'; var draggable = '1'; var map_width = '100%'; var map_height = '350px'; var special_text = ''; var units = 'mi'; var limit = '20'; var plugin_url = 'http://www.jaimeykristravels.com/wp-content/plugins/simplemap'; var visit_website_text = 'Visit Website'; var get_directions_text = 'Get Directions'; var location_tab_text = 'Location'; var description_tab_text = 'Description'; var phone_text = 'Phone'; var fax_text = 'Fax'; var email_text = 'Email'; var taxonomy_text = {}; taxonomy_text.sm_category = 'Categories'; taxonomy_text.sm_tag = 'Tags'; var noresults_text = 'No results found.'; var default_domain = '.es'; var address_format = 'town, province postalcode'; var siteurl = 'https://www.jaimeykristravels.com'; var map; var geocoder; var autoload = 'all'; var auto_locate = ''; var markersArray = []; var infowindowsArray = []; function clearInfoWindows() { if (infowindowsArray) { for (var i=0;i '; map.setCenter( searchData.center ); return; } var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); markers.each( function () { var locationData = this; locationData.distance = parseFloat(locationData.distance); locationData.point = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(locationData.lat), parseFloat(locationData.lng)); locationData.homeAddress = searchData.homeAddress; var marker = createMarker(locationData); var sidebarEntry = createSidebarEntry(marker, locationData, searchData); results.appendChild(sidebarEntry); bounds.extend(locationData.point); }); // Make centeral marker on search if ( 'search' == searchData.source && true) { var searchMarkerOptions = {}; searchMarkerOptions.map = map; searchMarkerOptions.position = searchData.center; searchMarkerOptions.icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage( 'http://www.jaimeykristravels.com/wp-content/plugins/simplemap/inc/images/blue-dot.png', new google.maps.Size(20, 32), new google.maps.Point(0,0), new google.maps.Point(0,32) ); var searchMarkerTitle = ''; if ( '' != searchData.address ) { searchMarkerTitle += searchData.address + ' '; } if ( '' != searchData.city ) { searchMarkerTitle += searchData.city + ' '; } if ( '' != searchData.state ) { searchMarkerTitle += searchData.state + ' '; } if ( '' != searchData.zip ) { searchMarkerTitle += searchData.zip + ' '; } var searchMarker = new google.maps.Marker( searchMarkerOptions ); searchMarker.title = searchMarkerTitle; markersArray.push(searchMarker); bounds.extend(searchMarkerOptions.position); } // If the search button was clicked, limit to a 15px zoom if ( 'search' == searchData.source ) { map.fitBounds( bounds ); if ( map.getZoom() > 15 ) { map.setZoom( 15 ); } } else { // If initial load of map, zoom to default settings map.setZoom(parseInt(zoom_level)); } // Paranoia - fix container sizing bug -- pdb google.maps.event.addListener(map, "idle", function(){ google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); }); }); } function stringFilter(s) { filteredValues = "emnpxt%"; // Characters stripped out var i; var returnString = ""; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // Search through string and append to unfiltered values to returnString. var c = s.charAt(i); if (filteredValues.indexOf(c) == -1) returnString += c; } return returnString; } function createMarker( locationData ) { // Init tax heights locationData.taxonomyheights = []; // Allow plugin users to define Maker Options (including custom images) var markerOptions = {}; if ( 'function' == typeof window.simplemapCustomMarkers ) { markerOptions = simplemapCustomMarkers( locationData ); } // Allow developers to turn of description in bubble. (Return true to hide) markerOptions.map = map; markerOptions.position = locationData.point; var marker = new google.maps.Marker( markerOptions ); marker.title = locationData.name; markersArray.push(marker); var mapwidth; var mapheight; var maxbubblewidth; var maxbubbleheight; mapwidth = document.getElementById("simplemap"); if ( typeof mapwidth != 'undefined' ) { mapwidth = mapwidth.offsetWidth; } else { if ( typeof map_width != 'undefined' ) { mapwidth = Number(stringFilter(map_width)); } else { mapwidth = 400; } } mapheight = document.getElementById("simplemap"); if ( typeof mapheight != 'undefined' ) { mapheight = mapheight.offsetHeight; } else { if ( typeof map_height != 'undefined' ) { mapheight = Number(stringFilter(map_height)); } else { mapheight = 200; } } maxbubblewidth = Math.round(mapwidth / 1.5); maxbubbleheight = Math.round(mapheight / 2.2); var fontsize = 12; var lineheight = 12; if (locationData.taxes.sm_category && locationData.taxes.sm_category != '' ) { var titleheight = 3 + Math.floor((locationData.name.length + locationData.taxes.sm_category.length) * fontsize / (maxbubblewidth * 1.5)); } else { var titleheight = 3 + Math.floor((locationData.name.length) * fontsize / (maxbubblewidth * 1.5)); } var addressheight = 2; if (locationData.address2 != '') { addressheight += 1; } if (locationData.phone != '' || locationData.fax != '') { addressheight += 1; if (locationData.phone != '') { addressheight += 1; } if (locationData.fax != '') { addressheight += 1; } } for (jstax in locationData.taxes) { if ( locationData.taxes[jstax] !== '' ) { locationData.taxonomyheights[jstax] = 3 + Math.floor((locationData.taxes[jstax][length]) * fontsize / (maxbubblewidth * 1.5)); } } var linksheight = 2; var totalheight = titleheight + addressheight; for (jstax in locationData.taxes) { if ( 'sm_category' != jstax ) { totalheight += locationData.taxonomyheights[jstax]; } } totalheight = (totalheight + 1) * fontsize; if (totalheight > maxbubbleheight) { totalheight = maxbubbleheight; } if ( isNaN( totalheight ) || totalheight > maxbubbleheight ) { totalheight = maxbubbleheight; } var html = '
'; html += '

'; if ( '' != locationData.permalink ) { html += ''; } html += locationData.name; if ( '' != locationData.permalink ) { html += ''; } if (locationData.taxes.sm_category && locationData.taxes.sm_category != null && locationData.taxes.sm_category != '' ) { html += '
' + locationData.taxes.sm_category + ''; } html += '

'; html += '

' + locationData.address; if (locationData.address2 != '') { html += '
' + locationData.address2; } // Address Data if (address_format == 'town, province postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + ', ' + locationData.state + ' ' + locationData.zip + '

'; } else if (address_format == 'town province postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + ' ' + locationData.state + ' ' + locationData.zip + '

'; } else if (address_format == 'town-province postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + '-' + locationData.state + ' ' + locationData.zip + '

'; } else if (address_format == 'postalcode town-province') { html += '
' + locationData.zip + ' ' + locationData.city + '-' + locationData.state + '

'; } else if (address_format == 'postalcode town, province') { html += '
' + locationData.zip + ' ' + locationData.city + ', ' + locationData.state + '

'; } else if (address_format == 'postalcode town') { html += '
' + locationData.zip + ' ' + locationData.city + '

'; } else if (address_format == 'town postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + ' ' + locationData.zip + '

'; } // Phone and Fax Data if (locationData.phone != null && locationData.phone != '') { html += '

' + phone_text + ': ' + locationData.phone + ''; if (locationData.email != null && locationData.email != '') { html += '
' + email_text + ': ' + locationData.email + ''; } if (locationData.fax != null && locationData.fax != '') { html += '
' + fax_text + ': ' + locationData.fax + ''; } html += '

'; } else if (locationData.fax != null && locationData.fax != '') { html += '

' + fax_text + ': ' + locationData.fax + '

'; } html += '

'; for (jstax in locationData.taxes) { if ( 'sm_category' == jstax ) { continue; } if ( locationData.taxes[jstax] != null && locationData.taxes[jstax] != '' ) { html += taxonomy_text[jstax] + ': ' + locationData.taxes[jstax] + '
'; } } html += '

'; var dir_address = locationData.point.toUrlValue(10); var dir_address2 = ''; if (locationData.address) { dir_address2 += locationData.address; } if (locationData.city) { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += locationData.city; }; if (locationData.state) { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += locationData.state; }; if (locationData.zip) { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += locationData.zip; }; if (locationData.country) { if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address2 += ' '; } dir_address2 += locationData.country; }; if ( '' != dir_address2 ) { dir_address = locationData.point.toUrlValue(10) + '(' + escape( dir_address2 ) + ')'; }; html += ' '; if (locationData.description != '' && locationData.description != null) { var numlines = Math.ceil(locationData.description.length / 40); var newlines = locationData.description.split('
').length - 1; var totalheight2 = 0; if ( locationData.description.indexOf(' maxbubbleheight) { totalheight2 = maxbubbleheight; } //marker.openInfoWindowTabsHtml([new GInfoWindowTab(location_tab_text, html), new GInfoWindowTab(description_tab_text, html2)], {maxWidth: maxbubblewidth}); // tabs aren't possible with the Google Maps api v3 html += '
' + locationData.description + '
'; } html += '
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3(1e.2I.N){3(b.N){a.1b=C(b.N.1V,10)||0;a.1g=C(b.N.1U,10)||0;a.W=C(b.N.1T,10)||0;a.11=C(b.N.1S,10)||0}}K a};8.9.2H=7(){3(2.4){2.4.2G.2F(2.4);2.4=t}};8.9.1y=7(){2.25();5 a=2.23().2C(2.B);2.4.6.W=(a.x+2.H.D)+"12";3(2.17){"12"}v{"12"}3(2.w){2.4.6.M="1c"}v{2.4.6.M="A"}};8.9.2B=7(a){3(q a.1t!=="p"){2.1p=a.1t;2.1d()}3(q a.F!=="p"){2.1m=a.F;2.1d()}3(q a.1v!=="p"){2.1Q(a.1v)}3(q a.1B!=="p"){2.1H=a.1B}3(q a.1G!=="p"){2.S=a.1G}3(q a.1z!=="p"){2.H=a.1z}3(q a.1n!=="p"){2.17=a.1n}3(q a.U!=="p"){2.1q(a.U)}3(q a.13!=="p"){2.22(a.13)}3(q a.1C!=="p"){2.1E=a.1C}3(q a.1j!=="p"){2.P=a.1j}3(q a.1x!=="p"){2.1f=a.1x}3(q a.18!=="p"){2.w=a.18}3(q a.A!=="p"){2.w=!a.A}3(q a.1l!=="p"){2.16=a.1l}3(2.4){2.1y()}};8.9.1Q=7(a){2.Q=a;3(2.4){3(2.z){r.s.u.Y(2.z);2.z=t}3(!2.R){2.4.6.D=""}3(q a.1u==="p"){2.4.O=2.G()+a}v{2.4.O=2.G();2.4.1a(a)}3(!2.R){2.4.6.D=2.4.Z+"12";3(q a.1u==="p"){2.4.O=2.G()+a}v{2.4.O=2.G();2.4.1a(a)}}2.1w()}r.s.u.T(2,"2z")};8.9.1q=7(a){2.B=a;3(2.4){2.1y()}r.s.u.T(2,"21")};8.9.22=7(a){2.15=a;3(2.4){}r.s.u.T(2,"2y")};8.9.2x=7(a){2.w=!a;3(2.4){2.4.6.M=(2.w?"1c":"A")}};8.9.2w=7(){K 2.Q};8.9.1A=7(){K 2.B};8.9.2v=7(){K 2.15};8.9.2u=7(){5 a;3((q 2.1D()==="p")||(2.1D()===t)){a=J}v{a=!2.w}K a};8.9.3i=7(){2.w=J;3(2.4){2.4.6.M="A"}};8.9.3j=7(){2.w=L;3(2.4){2.4.6.M="1c"}};8.9.2s=7(c,b){5 a=2;3(b){2.B=b.1A();2.14=r.s.u.2r(b,"21",7(){a.1q(2.1A())})}2.1N(c);3(2.4){2.1F()}};8.9.1r=7(){5 i;3(2.z){r.s.u.Y(2.z);2.z=t}3(2.E){1o(i=0;i<2.E.1L;i++){r.s.u.Y(2.E[i])}2.E=t}3(2.14){r.s.u.Y(2.14);2.14=t}3(2.V){r.s.u.Y(2.V);2.V=t}2.1N(t)};',62,210,'||this|if|div_|var|style|function|InfoBox|prototype||||||||||||||||undefined|typeof|google|maps|null|event|else|isHidden_|||closeListener_|visible|position_|parseInt|width|eventListeners_|boxStyle|getCloseBoxImg_|pixelOffset_|yOffset|false|return|true|visibility|currentStyle|innerHTML|closeBoxURL_|content_|fixedWidthSet_|maxWidth_|trigger|position|contextListener_|left|opacity|removeListener|offsetWidth||right|px|zIndex|moveListener_|zIndex_|enableEventPropagation_|alignBottom_|isHidden|addDomListener|appendChild|top|hidden|setBoxStyle_|document|infoBoxClearance_|bottom|new|stopPropagation|closeBoxURL|height|enableEventPropagation|boxStyle_|alignBottom|for|boxClass_|setPosition|close|defaultView|boxClass|nodeType|content|addClickHandler_|infoBoxClearance|draw|pixelOffset|getPosition|disableAutoPan|closeBoxMargin|getMap|closeBoxMargin_|panBox_|maxWidth|disableAutoPan_|pane_|cursor|push|length|click|setMap|mouseover|getBoxWidths_|setContent|OverlayView|borderRightWidth|borderLeftWidth|borderBottomWidth|borderTopWidth|getComputedStyle|100|Size|preventDefault|cancelBubble|position_changed|setZIndex|getProjection|offsetHeight|createInfoBoxDiv_|getBounds|getCloseClickHandler_|margin|pointer|relative|align|src|img|floatPane|domready|pane|infoBox|contextmenu|default|apply|touchmove|touchend|touchstart|dblclick|mouseup|mouseout|addListener|open|mousedown|getVisible|getZIndex|getContent|setVisible|zindex_changed|content_changed|auto|setOptions|fromLatLngToDivPixel|overflow|LatLng|removeChild|parentNode|onRemove|documentElement|getPanes|gif|ownerDocument|absolute|mapfiles|alpha|filter|div|Opacity|createElement|en_us|Alpha|Microsoft|DXImageTransform|progid|intl|MsFilter|returnValue|translateZ|WebkitTransform|com|hasOwnProperty|in|cssText|className|www|panBy|getCenter|http|fromLatLngToContainerPixel|arguments|getDiv|setCenter|2px|contains|show|hide|Map|instanceof|closeclick|firstChild'.split('|'),0,{})); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { clearInfoWindows(); var infowidth = 0; if ( maxbubblewidth <= 100 ) { infowidth = document.getElementById("simplemap"); if ( typeof infowidth != 'undefined' ) { infowidth = infowidth.offsetWidth; } else { infowidth = 400; } infowidth = infowidth * (maxbubblewidth / 100.0); } if ( infowidth < maxbubblewidth ) infowidth = maxbubblewidth; infowidth = parseInt(infowidth) + 'px'; /* var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: infowidth, content: html }); */ var infowindow = new InfoBox({ maxWidth: infowidth ,content: html ,disableAutoPan: false ,pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(-80,-80) ,alignBottom: true ,zIndex: null ,boxStyle: { opacity: 1.0 ,fontSize:'11pt' } ,closeBoxURL: "http://www.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/close.gif" ,infoBoxClearance: new google.maps.Size(1, 1) ,isHidden: false ,pane: "floatPane" ,enableEventPropagation: true }); infowindow.open(map, marker); infowindowsArray.push(infowindow); window.location = '#map_top'; }); return marker; } function createSidebarEntry(marker, locationData, searchData) { var div = document.createElement('div'); // Beginning of result var html = '
'; // Flagged special if (locationData.special == 1 && special_text != '') { html += '
' + special_text + '
'; } // Name & distance html += '
'; html += '

'; if (locationData.permalink != null && locationData.permalink != '') { html += ''; } html += locationData.name; if (locationData.permalink != null && locationData.permalink != '') { html += ''; } if (locationData.distance.toFixed(1) != 'NaN') { if (units == 'mi') { html+= ' ' + locationData.distance.toFixed(1) + ' miles'; } else if (units == 'km') { html+= ' ' + (locationData.distance * 1.609344).toFixed(1) + ' km'; } } html += '

'; // Address html += '
' + locationData.address; if (locationData.address2 != '') { html += '
' + locationData.address2; } if (address_format == 'town, province postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + ', ' + locationData.state + ' ' + locationData.zip + '
'; } else if (address_format == 'town province postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + ' ' + locationData.state + ' ' + locationData.zip + '
'; } else if (address_format == 'town-province postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + '-' + locationData.state + ' ' + locationData.zip + ''; } else if (address_format == 'postalcode town-province') { html += '
' + locationData.zip + ' ' + locationData.city + '-' + locationData.state + ''; } else if (address_format == 'postalcode town, province') { html += '
' + locationData.zip + ' ' + locationData.city + ', ' + locationData.state + ''; } else if (address_format == 'postalcode town') { html += '
' + locationData.zip + ' ' + locationData.city + ''; } else if (address_format == 'town postalcode') { html += '
' + locationData.city + ' ' + locationData.zip + ''; } // Phone, email, and fax numbers html += '
'; if (locationData.phone != null && locationData.phone != '') { html += '' + phone_text + ': ' + locationData.phone + ''; } if (locationData.email != null && locationData.email != '') { html += '' + email_text + ': ' + locationData.email + ''; } if (locationData.fax != null && locationData.fax != '') { html += '' + fax_text + ': ' + locationData.fax + ''; } html += '
'; // Links section html += ''; html += '
'; // Taxonomy lists for (jstax in locationData.taxes) { if ( locationData.taxes[jstax] != null && locationData.taxes[jstax] != '' ) { html += '
' + taxonomy_text[jstax] + ': ' + locationData.taxes[jstax] + '
'; } } // End of result html += ''; div.innerHTML = html; div.style.cursor = 'pointer'; div.style.margin = 0; google.maps.event.addDomListener(div, 'click', function() { google.maps.event.trigger(marker, 'click'); }); return div; }